8 Funny Styles from Panama Fashion Week 2014

It’s not Fashion Week without some styles that are so strange, they’re hilarious. Not that I don’t appreciate creativity and artistry. There’s a reason runway shows are distinguished from ready-to-wear, because it allows designers to explore certain concepts that they wouldn’t be able to do otherwise. But I’m a firm believer that art needs to engage the audience, to provoke thinking, not befuddlement. If the viewer has no idea what the artist is trying to convey, then the dialogue is lost. If the emperor is naked, then someone needs to point it out.

Here are 8 styles that left me in confusion (perhaps you can lend some clarity?):

Chanel has the $12,500 grocery basket, and Anya Hindmarch has the cereal box clutch, so I guess it only makes sense we should sport nutrition facts on our wardrobe as well.

FunnyPFWwideThis takes the puffy wedding dress trend to billowy new levels. Mr. Wonderful’s commentary: “It’s like a chef’s hat!” The model behind her is wearing a sheer dress over a peplum top. Why?

FunnyPFWwide-2Gold batwoman on the beach heading your way. Fierce.

FunnyPFWwide-3Being hurt is in. So is taping a long piece of quartz to your finger.


  The umbrella hairpin says “Lucky,” but I would feel pretty unlucky wearing this outfit.

FunnyPFW-8The model thinks there is some large, green fuzzy thing on her shoulder, but she’s afraid to look.

FunnyPFW-7It’s a U. It’s a horseshoe. “It’s a tuxedo bib?” suggested Mr. Wonderful.

FunnyPFWI wonder what she’s hiding behind the hood?

FunnyPFW-2Never mind. The hood can go back on.

What’s your take on some of these looks? Don’t forget to read my other post about Panama Fashion Week here!

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  1. says

    To me, the hounds tooth dress you posted yesterday is weirder than some of these. haha. I actually like the bathing suit and coverup cape thing. The weirdest of these is definitely the man dress in the first picture, with a close second being the u-shaped tuxedo thing. :-) Glad to see even you do not take fashion too seriously to smile at some of the….creativity. :-)

  2. Shannon says

    Hahahahaha!!! Omg what yhe heck?! The bandAges around the knee?! Seriously?! Thats pretty bad haha! Love this post!

    <3 Shannon

  3. says

    Wow looks like a great time! I hope you had so much fun, but it looks like you did. I hate hate sifting through photos and fixing them. Loving these pictures and I love that collection from Kris Goyri. Those outfits are to die for.

    Also, what is with the bandages? So weird.



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